Accompanying families through benefits for 10 years

Ten years ago, Fundación Paraguaya created “Sentí que se puede tu club” (2010), aiming at providing non-financial services to collaborators, clients of the Microfinance Program and also to collaborators of the companies that apply the Stoplight in order to solve indicators of the Poverty Stoplight.



At the beginning, courses and workshops were offered free of charge, a monthly draw for electrical appliances and discounts in more than 250 participating businesses. Currently, the client accesses benefits such as basic health insurance with over 60 allies nationwide, burial coverage, stays at the Cerrito and Belén Hotels, monthly draws for electrical appliances, free movie shows and discounts on over 350 shops, among them; the main pharmacy and supermarket chains, but also the prominent stores in the cities where the clients live.



Through the benefits it offers, many people have improved their quality of life. Currently, “Sentí que se puede tu club” has more than 70,000 active clients and for the past ten years, some 160,000 health services were reached, more than 1,3000 funeral coverage were provided, 83,000 training services were offered, and 3,500 awards were delivered.