Stoplight at home, a new alternative during this health crisis

Because of the health crisis, that keeps affecting most of the world, many organizations, enterprises and societies have altered their regular routine and had no other choice but to reinvent themselves. Our country was not oblivious to the consequences of Covid-19, and in the case of Fundacion Paraguaya, it also had to face challenges, where it proposes new projects and initiatives to counteract this situation.



One of the innovations is called “Stoplight at home”, a self-assessment that allows to have a life map of the current state of families, using the Stoplight logic, where red means priority, we must act; yellow means attention, we must do something; and green equals the achievements and goals that have been achieved.




The “Stoplight at Home” spirit is that of measuring how the pandemic is affecting us in the different socioeconomic dimensions of our lives; and hence, it can allow families to learn about their strengths and challenges in the context of quarantine and the effects of the pandemic. With the results, it will be possible to work with the family on the indicators that are in red or yellow, so that together they can improve their quality of life.



Every interested person is welcome to complete this survey by entering the website: with the user: verdeate and the password being: paraguay2020.