Strengthening national micro-enterprises through spaces and training

For the second consecutive year, the Fundación Paraguaya is part of the strategic alliance of the National 2021 Mipymes Award, a contest organized by the Fomipymes Project of the Technical Mission of Taiwan and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, with the aim of rewarding and promoting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that encourage social responsibility taking into account the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and that need to grow in terms of formalization, industry, design and communication.



Some of the requirements to participate are to be a micro, small and medium-sized enterprise of any field, to have 12 months of activity with your MSME, to be working with a RUC (Unique Taxpayer No.) for 12 months and to complete the 3 registration forms. This contest will award 10 winners within the following categories: women’s empowerment, entrepreneurial youth, climate action and circular economy, fair trade and community development and excellence.



Some of the immediate benefits with just registering are business trainings, Bancard QR code for free collections and transactions for 1 year, free megapos for 6 months for companies that have MSMEs identification cards, company diagnosis.



For its part, Fundación Paraguaya invites all its clients to join the contest by communicating with their advisor or loan officer from the office in which they operate. Registration closes on July 17 and to learn more about the Award, categories, bases and conditions you can enter