The Biggest Youth Entrepreneurship Event Has Started

“We want an education that transforms young people, a prosperous and strengthened education that awakens the entrepreneurial spirit,” said Martín Burt, Executive Director of Fundación Paraguaya, when welcoming the 250 enthusiastic participants of the Forum of Entrepreneurs Paraguay, “Let’s celebrate”, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the biggest festival of youth entrepreneurship, at the Cerrito Agricultural School. “We want to promote a new model of agriculture, which builds poles of rural wealth and demolishes urban poverty belts through our Self-Sustainable Schools,” he said in reference to the place of the meeting, which was also visited on the day of the launch of the FEP (Forum of Entrepreneurs Paraguay), by the head of the Senate, Blas Llano.





“Sometimes, things happen in life, but you have to be resilient,” said graphic designer and sportswoman Maggie Leri, in one of the Forum’s first keynote talks. In front of young people with watchful eyes and in the Main Hall of the Cerrito Agricultural School, the young woman gave a positive message about how to face the challenges of life. “A beautiful lesson is to have courage, multiple sclerosis made me a better person, there are things that I would have never dared to do before,” she said about her life experience.




The FEP will develop over the course of an entire weekend, where participants will take part in various activities, trainings, competitions, challenges, and also obtain new and different tools to strengthen their entrepreneurial spirit. As part of the Forum, they will participate in several keynote lectures, simultaneous talks with relevant speakers and from various sectors of our society, all this complementing with educational and fun games, theme night and talent shows.




“The spirit of the FEP is spread and renewed every year, this weekend we want it to be one of learning, fun, innovation; we want young participants to leave this place with renewed energy,” was the message of Lorena Soto, area manager of entrepreneurial education of the Fundación Paraguaya.




Among the speakers of this edition of the FEP, in addition to those mentioned above, will be actor Nico García, Couch Javier Barbero, Jazmín Gustale, Deputy Minister of the Technical Secretariat of  Economic and Social Development Planning, who will talk about innovation and competitiveness in Paraguay, among other things.