Fundación Paraguaya signs cooperation agreement with SENAD

With the clear intention of continuing to work with various private and state institutions, Fundación Paraguaya signed a cooperation agreement with the SENAD (National Anti-Drug Secretariat) to jointly create plans and projects for community prevention, family containment and treatment of addictions, mainly in the Cerrito community, with prevention and inclusion strategies.




Also, the agreement will articulate efforts with other secretariats such as Culture and Sports -as well as other private sector entities,- to carry out various plans (prevention and inclusion), with sports and recreational programs aimed for children and adolescents.




It is also planned to leave installed in the collaborators of the Fundación Paraguaya, either in the Cerrito Agricultural School, advisers and extension workers that are in the territories with emphasis in Cerrito and Remansito, specific skills from the community and family area of SENAD to work in the prevention of various addictions and problems arising from them.




Both organizations believe it is essential to provide protection and safety to children, adolescents and families in our country, in the face of drug problems, and for that; we must work on the recovery of values that make us see the future with greater optimism and responsibility, in order to minimize the impact produced by using substances that are harmful to health. The agreement was signed by Martín Burt, Fundación Paraguaya’s executive director; and by Minister Arnaldo Giuzzio from the SENAD.